Library Policies

                                                                         GILMORE CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY


Mission Statement & Introduction

February 18, 2022 – February 17, 2027

Our Motto




Mission Statement

The mission of the Gilmore City Public Library is to ensure that its patrons have the right and means to equal and open access to ideas and information which are fundamental to a democracy. The library will protect intellectual freedom, promote literacy, encourage lifelong learning, and provide library materials and information services. The library will strive to meet the needs of all patrons without regard to age, race, sex, or any other discriminating factors. The library will attempt to meet the needs of the community through the following means:

A.       The library will acquire books and other materials to meet the needs and demands of the community and

make them equally available to all residents.

B.     The Library will organize these materials and guide the community in their use.

C.     The Library will inform the community of library services available beyond the local library itself. The library will participate in the State Library of Iowa programs Open Access (allowing card holders to use their local library card at any library statewide) and Access Plus (making our local collection available to patrons of other libraries through Inter-Library Loan). Patrons will be assisted in requesting titles not held locally through Inter-Library Loan. The library will work to develop a direct link with remote libraries through the computer via the SILO (State of Iowa Libraries On-Line) project or some other.

D.     The Library will work to improve access to local materials through a computerized on-line catalog and to provide other computer resources for reference purposes.

E.      The Library will work to develop public understanding and support of the library and its role in the community.

F.      The Library will provide a Summer Reading Program for children each year.

G.    Technology Vision Statement: The people of Gilmore City and the surrounding community will have convenient access to electronic information resources through proven technology and telecommunications. In the virtual and physical libraries, our role will be to provide value-added products and services which guide and direct patrons to excellent sources of electronic information. Patrons will be assisted by trained staff that can help them make the best use of both new and traditional information resources. Staff will be supported by as much up-to date technology as the budget can provide, to ensure quality services that are efficient and cost-effective.


As the Library Board re-evaluated and went through our planning process, the decision was made that our most pressing library need was still the promotion and marketing of library services. The Gilmore City Public Library needs to continue establishing itself as a vital component of the new electronic information system, while not abandoning traditional information resources. The library needs to be a missionary for reading; seizing every opportunity to encourage parents to read to children; to encourage children to become independent recreational readers; and to encourage adults to see reading as essential to individual growth and enrichment, as one of the most enjoyable forms of recreation, and as an important responsibility of citizenship. The necessary marketing of Library services and resources is a community wide undertaking, but it is essential that this effort focus on those segments of the community that currently underutilize the library, particularly our low-income residents, the children growing up in these circumstances, the teenage young adults, the home school families, and senior citizens. For these reasons, the Library Board believes that the next five years of planning will still be “Years of Outreach.”




THE TOWN OF Gilmore City has a population of 487 and is located on the county lines of Humboldt County and Pocahontas County. These two counties are a rural community, Half of out town is in north central Iowa, the other half is in northwest Iowa. Town residents are white (95.1%), with (3.9%) two or more races. English is the predominant language spoken in out community. The town of Gilmore City has declined by thirteen people in the last 10 years.


Our school district is Gilmore City – Bradgate Community School. Elementary (Preschool thru sixth grade) is here in Gilmore City, and everything from the seventh grade and above can either choose Humboldt Community School District or West Bend Mallard School District. We also have a very active daycare, that does bring people in from a 25 mile radius. 


Gilmore City has several industrial & commercial businesses located in and around it. We are also known for the “Limestone Capital of Iowa.”  Our unemployment rate is 1.3%. Ninety-three percent of our population drive 19.7 miles to work.


The basis of this data summary is taken from the U.S. Census 2020 Data on the State Library of Iowa webpage.



1.       The Gilmore City community will enjoy the outstanding library collections, services, and programming events.

a.       Beginning in 2022, library staff will evaluate both children and adult collections to ensure the library is purchasing the most requested and needed materials.

b.       During 2022 – 2024 the library will offer at least fifteen “make and take” kid craft projects, at the very minimum five per year, with goals of monthly offerings.

c.       Promote library services at five community events each year and seek assistance from volunteers to help achieve this (on-going): Dr. Seuss Birthday, Easter Egg Hunt, Farmer’s Market, Fun Days & Santa riding on firetruck for the lighting of the Christmas tree.

d.       The library will continue to collaborate with volunteers for the kid craft programs.

e.       During the 2022-2024 period, the library will continue to have the Summer Reading Programs for all children of the community and the local daycare children.

f.        Starting in 2022, the library would also like to start having a book club for the adults in the community.

g.       Library staff will meet with school district officials to plan collaboration on projects, especially with Summer Reading and other summer activities.

2.       Residents of all ages will have access to the up-to-date and convenient technology at the library.

a.       In each year of this plan, the library will subscribe to the digital products provided by the State of Iowa Library such as BRIDGES. The library will also push forward for Facebook, YouTube like streaming of these products. We will also promote Silo interlibrary loan system and Iowa Shares for patrons that are reaching out on collections that we may not have.

b.       The library will continue to improve outside internet services, planning to have an outside reading area by 2025.

c.       In each year of this plan, the library will determine other digital products and services to purchase in addition to what is offered by the State Library.

d.       In each year of this plan, library staff will ensure that computer users will be able to access self-service printing and other public electronic services.

e.       In each month of this plan, library staff will update and distribute a community newsletter of events.


3.       In each year of this plan, the library building committee will assess aspects of the facility by using the ADA Accessibility Checklist provided by the State Library.

a.       For 2022, the library will be doing the “Approach & Entrance” ADA with upgrades as needed.

b.       During 2023 – 2027, it will be determined at that time.

4.       Each month library staff will meet with the members of the City Council or organizations to ensure two-way communication.

a.       The library will maintain and provide bulletin board space for community agencies and organizations adequate for them to distribute information.

b.       Residents of all ages will know the library as a central source of information about community life and resources.

c.       Send out a survey once per year, to get the residents wants & needs heard.

d.       Emphasize and reinforce all training which leads to excellent public service (on-going).

5.       Administrative and fiscal matters will be prioritized and implemented

a.       Ongoing trustee education action- do more training provided by state library during monthly meetings so trustees can promote the library.

b.       Work toward an annual increase in funding from city on a yearly basis.

c.       Each yearly budget will reflect the additional funding needed for salary increases, collection development, and for improvement to all library service

d.       Budget adopted by Library Board will be presented to City Council by Council’s January                                

meeting on a yearly basis.

e.       Meet with librarians and trustees from other libraries in counties to prepare proposal to present to county supervisors asking for needed increases.

f.        Director will assist in presenting proposal to supervisors on a rotating basis.

g.       All staff will be certified. All classes will be approved for by Library Director.

h.       All expenses will be paid for attendance at workshops. Salary per hour will be paid for time spent in workshops.

i.         All policies, by-laws, services, and planning document will be reviewed and updated if needed, yearly.







Adopted and Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library board of trustees


Bylaws of the Gilmore City Public Library Board of Trustees


The trustees comply with the Iowa Code in all questions of library law and governance and will further comply with the regulations set forth in the city's library ordinance. The trustee’s specific powers and duties are set forth in the library ordinance.

Trustee Meetings:

Terms of office:

The trustees shall meet monthly in the Gilmore City Library's conference area. Preferable the last Monday of the month at 5:30. This is taking effect on March 27th 2023.

Special meetings may be held at any time at the call of the president or secretary or at the call of any two members of the Board if notice thereof be given to all Board members at least twenty-four (24) in advance of the meeting.

A quorum shall consist of three members (from its total membership of five trustees). This change from (seven) seven to (five) five at the Nov. 5th, 2019, election, and would begin January 1, 2020. That includes three resident members and two nonresident members (one from Humboldt County, and one from Pocahontas County) whenever possible. Term of office is 6 years. Each term shall begin on July 1st. Appointments shall be made every 2 years of 0ne-third the total number or near as possible, to stagger the terms.

Order of Business:

Reading and approval of the minutes of previous meeting

Correspondence and communications

Unfinished business

New business

Librarian’s report


Public comments

Trustees” comments


The trustees shall comply with Iowa's Open Meeting law by printing and publicly posting a copy of its agenda 24 hours prior to the meeting.

The Board shall record its proceedings as minutes and shall keep copies of the minutes available for public inspection.

The Director of the Gilmore City Public Library shall be present and participating at each meeting of the Board.

The trustees will conduct its meeting according to parliamentary procedure as detailed in the latest edition of Robert's Rule of Order.

The duties of all officers shall be such as by custom and law.

 All meetings of the board are open to the public who wish to observe. Non-board individuals who wish to address the board should request a place on the agenda no later than twenty-four (24) hours before the time established for the meeting. The request can be made to the board president of the Library Director.

Vacancies:  The position of any resident Trustee shall become vacant if such member moves permanently from the City. The position of a nonresident trustee shall be vacated if such member moves permanently from the county or into the city. The position of any trustee shall be deemed vacated if such member is absent from three consecutive regular meetings of the board, except in the case of sickness or temporary absence from the city or county. Vacancies in the board shall be filled in the same manner as an original appointment except that the new trustee shall fill out the unexpired term for which the appointment was made.


Trustees shall not receive compensation for their services.

Officers and Committees:

Officers shall be the Trustee president, Vice President and Secretary, shall be elected at the January meeting.

The president shall preside at all meetings, appoints all committees, and performs all duties associated with the office. In the absence of the president, the Vice president shall assume the president's duties. The secretary shall record all proceedings of the trustees.

Powers & Duties:

Employing a director and authorizing the director to employ such assistants as may be necessary for the proper management of the library. 

Set salaries and benefits for the library's personnel.

Participate in the budget process and secure adequate financial support for the library's operations and services.

Set policies for the library's operations and services, securing grants when possible. Selection and purchasing of all items. Maintain and operate the physical plant. Hire and train members of the staff. Inform the Board regarding the finances, services, personnel, collection, other developments, changes, and problems of the library.

Engage in planning for the library's future

Ensure library director and staff participation in training and continuing education.

Participate in trustee training and educational opportunities.

Ensure the library's involvement in State Library and Regional System initiatives. Director is required to fulfill all State requirements for participation in Access Plus, Open Access, and SILO.

To authorize the director to select, and make purchases of books, pamphlets, magazines, periodicals, papers, maps, AV materials, other library materials, furniture, fixtures, and supplies for the library within budgetary limits set by the Board.

Developing long-range goals for the library and working toward their achievement.


The Board of Trustees will maintain a Trust to receive, hold and manage gifts, bequests, and donations of every type and to expend such funds exclusively for development, advancement, and benefit of library activities on behalf of all citizens of the Gilmore City Public Library Service Area. The Trust will maintain a tax-exempt status and gifts to it will be tax deductible. Members of the Library Board will function as Trustees of the Trust.

Contributions to the Trust shall be made by the Library Director OR a Board Officer.

The Board President AND the Library Director shall make Withdrawals from the Trust.


If the Library is used for any reason outside of Library hours there must be library personnel present. This is necessary due to materials sitting out which cannot be locked up.

Prior approval is needed if repairs are to be done or the library needs must be managed outside of the time the Director or other personnel are present, this can be done at the discretion of the Director.


These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Board with a quorum present, by a unanimous vote of the members present.


Adopted and Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library board of trustees

March 27th, 2023




Objectives 7-10-2020

Hours 7-10-2020


 Circulation Policy


The Gilmore City Public Library has books, magazines, pamphlets, puzzles, audio CDs, DVDs, which may be borrowed for a period of two weeks and may be renewed for an additional two weeks, except for the of the DVD’s, which is a 48-hour period. Further renewals will be discouraged. Exceptions to this are at the discretion of the director.

If your library does not have material requested, the librarian shall request printed materials from SILO (inter library loan), which is through our library. Such items will be subject to the rules and regulations of the lending library.

Gilmore City Public Library does ask that anyone that uses the library have a registration card, which would have your name, address, phone number and email address on it, plus all family members that may be using the service that we provide. New card policy is that you can only check item 2 items during your probationary period of 3 months. If you are in good standing, after that will can check out more than two.

Patrons having overdue items shall be notified as follows:

a.     First notice is 14-21 days overdue by text message.

b.     Second notice is two (2) weeks after first notice will receive a phone call.

c.     Third notice is at the first of the next month. We do not charge fines, we will ask for the 

        replacement costs if items are not returned. The notice will also include the IOWA CODE 

        SECTION dealing with unreturned library materials.

d.     This notice will also include notice of suspension of borrowing privileges.

e.     We do not charge for overdue books, but if they are not returned, you will not be able to check

        out or use the library until they are returned, or item paid for. If they come back in disrepair

        conditions, you will be expected to pay for a new item.

While the Library will make every effort to inform its patrons of overdue items, we do not assume the responsibility of such notification. It shall be the responsibility of each patron to be aware of his/her own due dates.

A parent or guardian of a borrower, who is under 18 years of age at the time an item is borrowed, is responsible for such materials.

The State of Iowa has deemed patron records to be confidential as cited in Chapter 22.7 of the Code of Iowa. The State Librarian is the custodian of records.


Public announcements may be posted, space permitting, on the bulletin board in the entryway providing it is of general interest to the community.

We also post on bulletin boards at School, post office, hair salons, café, bank & Casey’s


Confidentiality of Records Policy

It is the responsibility of the Library to protect the privacy of any borrower who uses the Library, and neither to make inquiry into the purpose for which a patron requests information or books, except insofar as it may help the Library to answer the request, not to yield any information about a patron to individuals or to any private or public agency, local, state, or federal, without an order from a court of competent jurisdiction.

All library records relating to patrons and the use of library materials are considered confidential in nature.

The library will release information to the parent or guardian of a minor child for the purpose of recovering overdue materials and settling accounts for lost, late, or damaged material, and for other matters related to the recovery of material or charges incurred by minor children for which a parent or guardian may be considered liable. However, information will not be provided to the parent or guardian who is merely attempting to determine what library materials a minor child is using.

The Library Director or the Director’s designee, as the lawful custodian of library records, is authorized to release records that are otherwise confidential if the purpose of such release is in accordance with the provisions of this policy and Iowa law. Please see Iowa code Section 22.7 for more information.


Reviewed & Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library Board of Trustees

April 29th, 2022



Collection Development Policy


       The Collection Development Policy, approved by the Gilmore City Public Library Board of Trustees, is one of the library’s fundamental policy documents. It outlines the philosophies that create and shape the Gilmore City Public Library’s unique collection, the practices that maintain the collection over time, and the guidelines that help the collection respond to community needs while protecting the collection from societal and political pressures. The Collection Development Policy ensures that over time, the Gilmore City Public Library’s collection will remain on course, reflecting the needs of Gilmore City’s community, while creating unique experiences of meaning and inspiration for the individual customer.

       The library collects materials, in a variety of formats, which support its function as an information source for the needs of Gilmore City citizens. The collection also serves the general educational interest, recreational, and entertainment needs of the public, and reflects the diversity of the community.

      Materials Selection

       The Board recognizes that individuals within the community have diverse interests, backgrounds, cultural heritages, social values, and needs. The Board further recognizes that the library serves all the people within the community regardless of age, race, national origin, or political or social views.

       The library does not exclude books that are biased, partisan, or anti-social, or which may offend the tastes of some citizens for reasons of frankness of vocabulary or description, unless these books are also below our accepted standards of selection. A balanced collection will represent all points of view on a subject, even those that might be considered extreme. The purchase of controversial items by the library does not constitute endorsement of the views expressed.

       The Board believes that while anyone is free to reject for themselves materials of which they do not approve, this cannot be exercised to restrict freedom of others to read or inquire.

       The Gilmore City Public Library supports the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read statements, both of which are included as a part of this policy statement. The freedom to read is essential to our democracy. It is continuously under attack. Private groups and public authorities in various parts of the country are working to remove or limit access to reading materials, to censor content in schools, to label "controversial" views, to distribute lists of "objectionable" books or authors, and to purge libraries. These actions apparently rise from a view that our national tradition of free expression is no longer valid; that censorship and suppression are needed to avoid the subversion of politics and corruption of morals. We, as citizens devoted to reading and as librarians and publishers responsible for disseminating ideas, wish to assert the public interest in the preservation of the freedom to read. 

       Most attempts at suppression rest on a denial of the fundamental premise of democracy; that the ordinary citizen, by exercising critical judgement, will accept the good and reject the bad. We trust Americans to recognize propaganda and misinformation, and to make their own decisions about what they read and believe.  We do not believe they are prepared to sacrifice their heritage of a free press to be "protected" against what others think may be bad for them. We believe they still favor free enterprise in ideas and expression. 

       These efforts at suppression are related to a larger pattern of pressures being brought against education, the press, art and images, films, broadcast media, and the Internet. The problem is not only one of actual censorship. The shadow of fear cast by these pressures leads, we suspect, to an even larger voluntary curtailment of expression by those who seek to avoid controversy or unwelcome scrutiny by government officials.     

       Such pressure toward conformity is perhaps natural to a time of accelerated change. And yet suppression is never more dangerous than in such a time of social tension. Freedom has given the United States the elasticity to endure strain. Freedom keeps open the path of novel and creative solutions and enables change to come by choice. Every silencing of a heresy, every enforcement of an orthodoxy, diminishes the toughness and resilience of our society and leaves it the less able to deal with controversy and difference. 

       It is the responsibility of publishers and librarians, as guardians of the people’s freedom to read, to contest encroachments upon that freedom by individuals or groups seeking to impose their own standards or tastes upon the community at large. 

       Responsibility for Materials Selection

       Selection of library materials is and shall be vested in the Director of the Gilmore City Public Library and such members of the staff who are qualified by reason of education, training, and experience.

       Selection Guidelines

       Materials for the library collection are chosen for a wide variety of reasons such as information, self-education, and the recreational pursuits of library users. The decision to add an item to the collection by purchase is usually the result of selection based on demand or need. Selection based on demand:  Patrons are invited to request the purchase of specific items by the library. The request of a patron is usually honored if the request conforms to the selection and directional guidelines outlines in this policy statement. The final decision rests with the Director, who must consider the special need of one individual or group against the needs of the whole community.

      Selection based on need:  Library materials are added to the collection for the purpose of updating and further developing certain subject areas. Materials are selected from reviews, availability lists, vendor catalogs, bibliographies, and local experts.

       The decision to include or exclude a particular item in the library's collection is based on a number of considerations, although they may not all be applicable to each item:

       Relevance to interests and needs of the community


       Effective expression and artistic excellence

       Evaluations in professionally recognized critical guides

       Significance of subject         Educational and informational value

       Representation of various points of view

        Availability of material elsewhere

        Price and Library Materials Budget


        Permanent value as source material

       Vitality and originality of thought

       Entertaining presentation

       Relation to other materials and existing areas of coverage to maintain a well-balanced collection

       Author's reputation or significance

       Accuracy and authoritativeness of content

       In purchasing new materials, the library makes a distinction between those which depict prejudice as an aspect of real life and those which offer derogatory stereotypes as valid representations. The latter are not added to the collection. However, materials which authentically portray a period or way of life are accepted even if stereotyping is included. Materials which portray the prejudices of real or fictional characters are also considered acceptable. Materials recognized as classics are acceptable even though they may contain passages widely viewed as objectionable by current standards.

       The library does not purchase out-of-print materials for the collection.

       Professional and special materials, such as legal, medical, and religious works, are purchased only if they are of general interest.

        The library does not support educational curriculums through the purchase of textbooks. Textbooks may be added to the collection if they provide the best or only source of information on a subject, or to complement an existing area with another perspective.

       Genealogical works such as handbooks of procedures, bibliographies of genealogical materials, and historical material of value to genealogical workers are purchased.

       No attempt is made to purchase all the works by a certain author.

       Periodicals are added to the collection based on need. Prime consideration is given to those that are indexed or fill a particular void in the library's collection.

       The library provides a balanced viewpoint with national, state, and local newspapers.

       Audio-visual material is added to the library’s collection with consideration to patron demand and budget constraints. The library acquires this material primarily in the most popular format.

        It is the aim of the library to develop a popular collection of art reproductions, selected to reflect the tastes of the community.

        Local history materials are confined to the printed word. The library does not attempt to include artifacts as part of the collection. Books by local authors and books on local matters may be purchased even though they may not meet the standards set forth for the general collection.

       The library accepts gifts of library materials but reserves the right to evaluate and to dispose of such gifts in accordance with the criteria applied to purchased materials.

       Children's materials are purchased by the same general principles that govern selection of adult materials. Responsibility for the choice of reading material for minors’ rests with their parents or guardians. Selection of materials for the library collection is not restricted by the possibility that minors may obtain materials their parents consider inappropriate, nor are children limited to the children's collection.

       Reconsideration of Library Materials

       Whenever any patron objects to the presence or absence of any library material, the complainant will be given a fair hearing. All complaints that cannot be readily resolved by staff members will be referred immediately to the Director, who will discuss the matter with the complainant.

        If the patron wishes, they may submit the form "Request for Withdrawal of Material" or "Request for the Addition of Material."  If it is a request for the withdrawal, the Director will examine the item, check reviews of the item, and determine if it conforms to the standards of the materials selection policy. If it is a request for the addition of an item, the Director will check reviews of the item, determine if it conforms to the standards of the materials selection policy, and determine if there are any budget restraints. The Director will decide whether to add, withdraw, or restrict the material in question and will write to the complainant, giving the reasons for the decision. The Board of Trustees will also be notified of the complaint and of the Director's decision.

        Materials subject to complaint shall not be removed from use pending last action. If the complainant wishes to contest the decision, they may present the complaint to the Board of Trustees. This may be done by letter or by attending a Board meeting. The Board will consider the complaint and the Director's recommendation. The written decision of the Board shall be final and shall be reported to the complainant.

       The library continually withdraws items from the collection, basing its policy on the elimination of outdated materials, materials no longer of interest or in demand, unneeded duplicates, and worn or mutilated material. Frequency of circulation, community interest, and availability of newer or more valid materials are prime considerations. Items dealing with local history are an exception, as are certain classics and award-winning children's books. Fiction that was once popular but no longer in demand, and non-fiction books that are no longer useful, are withdrawn from the collection.


Appendix A

American Library Association’s

Library Bill of Rights

Freedom to Read Statement


Library Bill of Rights

The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.

I. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.

II. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

III. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.

IV. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.

V. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.

VI. Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

Adopted June 19, 1939, by the ALA Council; amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948; February 2, 1961; June 27, 1967; January 23, 1980; inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 23, 1996.  If you would like more information, please follow the link below.


Adopted and Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library Board of Trustees

April 29th, 2022


Behavior & Patron Responsibilities with Conduct Policy


The Gilmore City Public Library is designed for the use of all members of the public. Patrons are expected to observe the rights of other patrons and staff members and to use the library for its intended purposes.

       The staff has responsibility for enforcing discipline within the library.

       The staff determines when behavior is inappropriate in the library.

       Response to inappropriate behavior should be immediate.

The following kinds of behavior will not be allowed in the library:

1.    Any behavior that endangers the safety or health of others.

2.    Violation of any local, state, or federal law within the library.

3.    Vandalism or deliberate destruction of library material.

4.    Theft of library materials or the private property of any individual.

5.    Inappropriate purposes: e.g., sleeping.

6.    Loud talking or laughing which disturbs or could disturb other patrons.

7.    Eating or drinking in library shall be allowed in designated areas at the discretion of the Director.

8.    Inappropriate dress, e.g. No shirt or shoes.

9.    Smoking, alcohol, or illegal drugs in any area.

10. Unattended children under the age of seven (7), Need to be accompanied by an adult.

11. Pets, with exception of service animals.

12. Skates, skateboards, in-line skates and related products.

13. Other kinds of behavior deemed inappropriate by staff.


1.    Warning. Patrons who are behaving inappropriately in the library will be given one warning and asked to behave in an appropriate manner.

2.    Expulsion. Patrons who refuse to behave more appropriately after one warning will be asked to leave the library.

3.    Calling 911. In cases where patrons pose a clear danger to themselves or others, or where there is deliberate violation of the law, or refusal to leave the library after being asked to leave by staff, staff is authorized to call 911 for assistance.

4.    If a staff person is alone in the library and a dangerous situation is developing giving rise to a question of personal safety the staff person is advised to immediately vacate the building if possible.

A. The principal purpose of the Gilmore City Public Library is to provide open and convenient public access to all of the library's resources and services. The library and it's staff are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment in which to carry out this purpose. We ask that patrons be respectful of others and behave in a manner that does not disrupt others or interfere with the functioning of the library.

B. It is the patron’s responsibility to maintain necessary and proper standards of behavior in order to protect his/her individual rights and the rights of other patrons. If a patron creates a public nuisance, that patron may be restricted from the library and from the use of the library facilities. Those who are unwilling to leave or do not leave within a reasonable amount of time, after being instructed to do so by the staff, will be subject to the law. The level of action shall be determined on a case-by-case basis and shall be within the sole discretion of the director or the staff on duty. Any person removed or excluded from library privileges on the basis of these activities may request a meeting with the Director to discuss reinstatement. Incidents involving permanent removal will be reported to and reviewed by the Library Board of Trustees.

C. Disruptive behavior such as loud talking, or the playing of music & video without the use of headphones is not permitted. Cell phones should be limited, discreet, and at a level that is not disruptive to others.

D. Since the library is not designed to serve as a public shelter or lounge, sleeping, lingering without a purpose, and misuse of restrooms is not allowed.

E. Animals are not allowed inside the library. Service animals, required to aid patrons with disabilities are exempted from this rule. Animals left outside must be on a leash, not blocking the entrance, and not disruptive to patrons inside or outside the library. Exceptions for library programs must be approved by the Director.

F. Shirt & shoes must be worn in the library. Swimsuits are allowed, with a cover-up, however, there will be no wet swimsuits on the furniture.

G. Skateboards, longboards, scooters, bicycles, roller blades, skates, Heelies and other such devices are not allowed in the library.

H. Only Staff and authorized individuals are allowed in the staff areas unless approved by staff .

I. The Gilmore City Public Library encourages visits by young children and it is our desire to make this important visit both memorable and enjoyable for the child. Library staff is not expected to assume responsibility for the care of unsupervised children in the library. Therefore, it is library policy that all children under age six must be accompanied by a parent or designated responsible person while in the library. If a child under age four is attending a library program, we require the parent/responsible person to remain in the library throughout the program.

J. Children of all ages are encouraged to use the library for homework, recreational reading, and program attendance. The library staff realizes that the library will be noisier at busy times and that children by nature can cause more commotion. However, children (whether with parents or not) who are being continually disruptive will be given a warning that he/she must settle down or will be asked to leave the library. If after a second warning the child continues to be disruptive, he/she will be asked to leave the library. If the child needs to contact a parent, they may do so and then wait with a staff person until the parent arrives. Parents are responsible for picking up after their child in the library. If parents do not arrive in a timely manner, the police will be called to take responsibility for the child. Staff cannot be expected to assume responsibility for the care of unsupervised children, under the age of 18. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for the behavior of their children.

K. To ensure that children feel safe in the library, unsolicited attention to children by people other than their parents and staff, will not be allowed.

L. For the safety of our children, we do not allow registered sex offenders access to the library, as mandated by State law. Their families may use library services.

M. Interference with, harassment, or intimidation of staff, volunteers or patrons represents unacceptable behavior. This includes all unwanted or abusive attention by word, act, look or gesture. Making comments about other patrons, negative or otherwise, will not be tolerated.


Adopted and Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library board of trustees

June 8th, 2022

Internet Policy



The Gilmore City Public Library provides free use of computers and access to the Internet to all users in good standing as part of its mission to help our patrons “Find, evaluate and use information.” It is the individual user’s responsibility to demonstrate judgment, respect for others, and appropriate conduct while using Public Library resources. The purpose of the Computer and Internet Use Policy is to insure the best use of computers and access to the Internet by our library users.


  • Personal Information / passwords will not be allowed to be saved on public computers. 
  • Internet computers are available for use during the library’s normal business hours. Use must be completed 15 minutes prior to the library’s closing. The Internet may be unavailable due to unforeseen problems with hardware, software, or telecommunications.
  • The Internet is available for any user who visits the library. Access is on a first-come, first-served basis. Appointments are not accepted, but users are welcome to call ahead to check availability.
  • Initial use will be limited to one hour. If no other users are waiting, use time may be extended for another hour at the discretion of the librarian on duty.
  • Patrons using computers for research, job applications, or for work on lengthy documents may extend their time as needed. These patrons should inform staff prior to starting work so limits can be removed.
  • Users are expected to have a basic knowledge of computer use and the Internet. Staff cannot provide in-depth training for users.
  • While respecting individual users’ right to privacy, the Gilmore City Public Library staff reserves the right to monitor use of Internet workstations to ensure compliance with this policy. Staff may ask users to remove themselves from library equipment if observed behavior conflicts with library policy.
  • The library does not filter Internet content. Parents are advised to supervise their children’s Internet sessions.
  • The library is not responsible for enforcing any restrictions which a parent or guardian may place on a minor’s use of this resource.
  • Use of the Library’s Internet connection in an illegal, disruptive, or destructive manner may result in the loss of Internet or library privileges.
  • The library is not responsible for any loss of data, damage to equipment, or personal liability that may occur from use of its Internet connection.

The Gilmore City Public Library does not monitor and has no control over the information available on the Internet. The library cannot be responsible for its content. The Internet is an un-moderated global network with a highly diverse user population and library Internet users use it at their own risk.

Internet users should avoid disclosing personal information over the Internet to preserve their own personal safety. Minors should use caution in their use of social networking sites, e-mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications, as these forms of communication can expose minors to dangerous situations. Minors should never disclose personal information, such as name, school, address, and telephone number to strangers on the Internet. Library Internet users are prohibited by law from disclosing, using, or disseminating personal information about minors without written authorization of the parent or legal guardian of the minors involved.

The library cannot assure that data or files downloaded by users are virus-free. The library is not responsible for damages to equipment or data on a user’s personal computer from the use of data downloaded from the library’s Internet service.

Iowa & federal laws make it illegal to download or purvey child pornography, purvey pornography to children, or to commit fraudulent acts using the Internet. Use of the internet to view or access obscene materials is prohibited.

Privacy in using the Internet in the library cannot be guaranteed. There exists a possibility of inadvertent viewing by others. Customers are urged to respect the sensibilities of others when accessing information that may be offensive to someone else.

Use of the Internet workstations is for LEGAL purposes only. Internet users may not use the library’s computers to display obscene materials or child pornography as determined by State and Federal Law. Other illegal activities which are also prohibited include but are not limited to:

  • software piracy
  • degrading or disrupting equipment or system performance
  • gaining unauthorized access to resources or entities
  • invading the privacy of individuals
  • engaging in any activity that is deliberately offensive or creates an intimidating or hostile environment
  • violation of copyright or licensing agreements

U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of “fair use.” Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials (including electronic mail, text, images, programs, or data) without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Any responsibility for any consequences of copyright infringement lies with the user; the library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.

Violation of this computer use policy shall result in the loss of computer privileges and may lead to financial responsibility. Violations of the internet policy to view illegal or obscene materials will result in termination of library use and a referral to appropriate law enforcement. All other illegal use of the internet will be referred to law enforcement.

Wireless Internet Access

The library provides free, unsecured, wireless Internet access for public use. The library does not provide technical support for privately owned personal wireless devices. Security for personal wireless devices rests solely with the owner of the wireless device. Personal use of the library’s public wireless access is subject to the same policies regulating other types of public Internet access provided by the library. As with all library resources, the library affirms the right and responsibility of parents/guardians, NOT Library staff, to determine and monitor their minor children’s use of the Internet.

The library will not restrict access to the internet for minors with phones, laptops, or tablets.

The library cannot guarantee a connection at all times and in all places in the library. The library takes no responsibility for lost data, etc. due to a lost connection. Library staff is not able to provide technical assistance.

Patrons must take responsibility for their own equipment. The library assumes no responsibility for the safety, damage, or theft of personal equipment, or for laptop configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the library’s network.

Misuse of the computers/ Internet/ wireless connection may result in the suspension or loss of privileges. The length of the suspension is at the discretion of the library staff. Minor and major violations will be subject to progressive punishment.

Violating the Technology Usage Policy: first violation - warning. Second violation – loss of privileges for three months. Third violation – permanent loss of privileges.

Adopted and Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library board of trustees

April 29th, 2022


I__________________________________ (first and last name) agree to the above policy and will abide by the Internet rules as stated above.


Patron Signature______________________

Parent Signature______________________

(If under 10)

Adopted and Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library board of trustees

April 29th, 2022

Personnel Policy




1.    The Board shall hire the director.

2.    Applicants for other staff positions shall be hired by the director with the approval of the Board.

Salary Schedule

1.    The director shall receive an hourly wage as determined by the Board.

2.    All other employees shall receive an hourly wage as determined by the director with the approval of the Board.


Vacation with pay are as follows for the director only. Time will be accrued on a montly basis.

After one (1) full                     25 hours

After two (2) full years           50 hours

After eight (8) full years        75 hours

After sixteen (16) full years one hundred hours

Vacation shall be the number of hours an employee would work during a normal work period. Records on vacation earned and taken will be entered on time sheets which will be on file for a period of 5 years.

Comp Time

The director will receive one (1.5) hour of comp time per hour worked over the number of hours in a week. This will also include hours spent at Board meetings, council meetings, hours spent at library related meetings or workshops on off working hours. This time needs to be used by the end of the calendar year in which it is earned. If not used it shall be paid out by the end of December.

Sick Leave

The director will receive two (2) weeks of sick leave per year. A week of sick leave shall consist of the number of hours the library is open per week. This time can be carried forward to the next year and can be accumulated to a maximum of eight (8) weeks.

Sick leave can be granted for:

1.    Illness or injury.                                

2.    Maternity/paternity

3.    Quarantine

4.    Counseling

5.    Family Illness

6.    Routine medical/dental appointments.


Employees drawn for jury duty shall continue to receive their regular pay while engaged in such service. However, any fees received from said jury duty on city time shall be turned in and given to the library.


The employees of the Gilmore City Public Library are subject to the Drug-Free workplace Act of 1988, Public Law 100-690.Through 1-V section 202 of the controlled substance Act (21USC812 and as further defined in federal regulations found at 12 CFR 1308.11).

Adopted and Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library board of trustees

April 29th, 2022








Credit Card

Discarding Materials

Internet Access Policy

Internet Safety

Unacceptable Uses

Active Restrictive Measures

Procedure for Patron Use

Intellectual Freedom

Covid 19 


Adopted as revised by the Gilmore City Public Library Board

November 29     2007

February 25th     2010

February 23rd     2012

August 29th        2013  

November 26th   2013

April 24th           2014

December 1st     2016

August 30th        2016

December 20th      2018

June 25th               2020                                                                     



 Circulation & Confidentiality Policies


1.   Books, magazines, pamphlets, puzzles, audio CDs and toys may be borrowed for a period of two weeks and may be renewed for an additional two weeks. Further renewals will be discouraged.  Exceptions to this are at the discretion of the Director.


2.   If your library does not have material requested, the librarian shall request printed materials from SILO.  Such items will be subject to the rules and regulations of the lending library.


3.   Patrons having overdue items shall be notified as follows:

     a. First notice is 14-21 days overdue by phone call.

     b. Second notice is two (2) weeks after first notice.

     c. Third notice is at the first of the next month.  This notice will include the number of fines owed and replacement costs if items are not returned.  The notice will also include the IOWA CODE SECTION dealing with unreturned library materials. This notice will also include notice of suspension of borrowing privileges.


While the Library will make every effort to inform its patrons of overdue items, we do not assume the responsibility of such notification.  It shall be the responsibility of each patron to be aware of his/her own due dates.


A parent or guardian of a borrower, who is under 18 years of age at the time an item is borrowed, is responsible for such materials.


The State of Iowa has deemed patron records to be confidential as cited in Chapter 22.7 of the Code of Iowa. The State Librarian is the custodian of records.


1.   Public announcements may be posted, space permitting, on the bulletin board in the entryway providing it is of general interest to the community.


Reviewed & Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library Board of Trustees

November 29th, 2007

September 30th, 2010

December 15     2011

August 29th        2013

February 26th      2015

December 1st     2016

December20th, 2018

February 18th, 2019



Enrich Iowa

The Library shall participate in Open Access & Access Plus. 

New holdings will be submitted in correct marc record form to Silo on a regular basis.


Fines and Fees

1.   A fine of one (1) cent per day shall be levied for each item of overdue printed material.


2.   In the event of a lost or damaged item, replacement value shall be determined by the director.  In the case of an item borrowed through interlibrary loan, the charge will be determined by the policies of the lending library


3.   Video fines will be the rental fee charged per day overdue.


4.   The Projector may be rented by persons 18 years and older who have a card and returned as soon as possible after the occasion it was rented for. Any damage to the projector will be the responsibility of the borrower.


5.   DVDs may be rented for $2.00 per rental period for new rentals and $1.00 for older movies.


In House Equipment Usage


1.   The Library's microfilm reader, microfiche reader, and computers are available for in-house use during regular library hours.


2.   There will be a charge of ten (10) cents per copy for use of the copy machine and ten (10) cents per sheet for computer material printed. Color copies are (25) cents per copy.  Faxes are $1.00 each to send and/or receive.


Adopted and Revised

February 25th, 2015

December 20th, 2018



Public access computers will be available for use during regular library hours.

The Library usage policy and procedure for patron use of the internet are attached to these policies.





1.   The Board shall hire the director.

2.   Applicants for other staff positions shall be hired by the director with the approval of the Board.


Salary Schedule


1.   The director shall receive an hourly wage as determined by the Board.


2.   All other employees, excluding janitor, shall receive an hourly wage as determined by the director with the approval of the Board. 




Vacation with pay are as follows for the director only.


After one (1) full                     25 hours

After two (2) full years           50 hours

After eight (8) full years        75 hours

After sixteen (16) full years 100 hours


Vacation shall be the number of hours an employee would work during a normal work period.  Records on vacation earned and taken will be entered on time sheets which will be on file for a period of 5 years.


Comp Time


The director will receive one (1) hour of comp time per hour worked over the number of hours in a week.  This will also include hours spent at Board meetings, council meetings, hours spent at library related meetings or workshops on off working hours.  This time needs to be used by the end of the calendar year in which it is earned.  If not used it shall be paid out by the end of December.


Sick Leave


The director will receive two (2) weeks of sick leave per year.  A week of sick leave shall consist of the number of hours the library is open per week.  This time can be carried forward to the next year and can be accumulated to a maximum of eight (8) weeks. 

Sick leave can be granted for:

 1.   Illness or injury.                                        

2.   Maternity/paternity

3.   Quarantine

4.   Counseling

5.   Routine medical/dental appointments.




Employees drawn for jury duty shall continue to receive their regular pay while engaged in such service.  However, any fees received from said jury duty on city time shall be turned in and given to the Library.




The employees of the Gilmore City Public Library are subject to the Drug-Free workplace Act of 1988, Public Law 100-690.Through 1-V section 202 of  the controlled substance Act (21USC812 and as further defined in federal regulations found at 12 CFR 1308.11).




The person serving as director of the Gilmore City Public Library shall have completed two years of college or equivalent education, or work experience (the latter at the discretion of the Board).  If the director has not been certified by the

State Library of Iowa the Board shall require the necessary steps be taken to achieve certification within a reasonable period from being hired.


The responsibilities of the director shall be as follows:


1. Selection and purchasing materials, equipment, and furniture within the limits of  the budget set by the Board.

2. Will keep monthly and yearly financial, circulation, and acquisition records. This shall include preparing the annual report forms sent out by the State Library of Iowa.

3. Prepare a proposed budget to present to the Board for their approval.

4. Attend all Board meetings.

5. Prepare and send all paperwork required for participation in the State Library sponsored programs:  I/e Access Plus and Open Access.

6. Send marc records of all new holdings bi-annually to SILO.

7. Promote the library and its services through cooperation with the local school and with community organizations, as well as through the local news media

8. Be responsible for the general management of the library including personnel, the collection, and the building.

9. Attend library meetings of value to our library, sponsored by NWSA. Attendance at library related meetings or workshops outside of the NW region shall be at the discretion of the director.

10. Attend continuing education classes to the extent of meeting the certification standards set by the State Library.                                                                                                                                        

11.Implement policies approved by the Board.  Any situation not covered in such policies shall be at the discretion of the director.

12.The director shall receive reimbursement for mileage at the rate paid in accordance with the city's allowance for said mileage, and tuition/registration fees for workshops attended, and shall be paid for the day of work if the meeting should fall on a day the library is open.  Comp time shall be awarded if the workshop does not fall on a workday. Reimbursement will be paid for all meals and motel costs if it is a two-day meeting.

13.The director, upon receiving the minutes of the monthly/special meeting shall make available the completed packet for said meeting to all designated persons not in attendance at the meeting.


Adopted and Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library board of Trustees


November 29th, 2007

September 30th   2010

December 15th   2011

August 29th        2013

November 26th   2013

February 26th    2015

December 1st     2016

December 20th, 2018




 The director is responsible for the selection of books and all other materials.  Selection will be made on the basis of information found in standard library selection aids; on the advice of experts who may be consulted in cases where the director feels this is warranted; and, if feasible, on direct examination of the material itself.  Requests or recommendations of library patrons shall be given consideration.  Other criteria for selection are the specific needs and interests of all ages of people in the Gilmore City community as determined by response to the community survey, as well as the library's existing collection, services, and budget.  Qualities sought in the selection of materials include permanent and timely value, authoritativeness, clear presentation and readability and social significance.  The deliberately distorted or sensational is avoided.  The interests of special interest groups should be balanced by general demand.  Finances as well as the ephemeral quality of many contemporary books may lead the library to choose a paperback edition instead of the hard cover edition.  As part of the selection, the library collection shall be weeded regularly according to standard library procedure.


Adopted and Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library Board of Trustees


November 29th, 2007

September 30th, 2010

December 15th   2011

August 29th        2013

February 26th     2015

December 1st      2016

December 20th, 2018




1.   Library trustees will have, at their request, library association dues paid and will receive reimbursement for mileage at the allowance set by the city for said mileage, tuition/registration fees for meetings and workshops attended which are sponsored by the RLSA or State Library.

2.   The Library Director and at least one board member will conduct an orientation program for each new board member and provide them training that includes the Iowa Library Trustee's Guide.




Within the provisions of Iowa State laws, the Board adopts the following:


1.   Books and all other materials will be accepted on the condition that the director has the authority to make whatever disposition she/he deems advisable.

2.   Memorial book plates as well as plates naming donors will be put on all new material.

3.   All donations and memorials to the Library need to come directly to the Library so the Director and Board of Trustees can decide what is to be done with them.

4.   No library personnel shall attempt to offer a monetary valuation statement to a donor.

5.   Monetary gifts for the Library Trust account may be accepted by the Director and used as directed by the Trust Document.


Adopted and Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library Board of Trustees

 January 28th, 2016

December 20th, 2018



The Gilmore City Public Library is designed for the use of all members of the public.  Patrons are expected to observe the rights of other patrons and staff members and to use the library for its intended purposes.


·      The staff has responsibility for enforcing discipline within the library.

·      The staff determines when behavior is inappropriate in the library.

·      Response to inappropriate behavior should be immediate.


The following kinds of behavior will not be allowed in the library:


1.   Any behavior that endangers the safety or health of others.

2.   Violation of any local, state, or federal law within the library.

3.   Vandalism or deliberate destruction of library material.

4.   Theft of library materials or the personal property of any individual.

5.   Inappropriate purposes: e.g. sleeping.

6.   Loud talking or laughing which disturbs or could disturb other patrons.

7.   Eating or drinking in library shall be allowed in designated areas at the discretion of the Director.

8.   Inappropriate dress, e.g. No shirt or shoes.

9.   Smoking, alcohol, or illegal drugs in any area.

10. Unattended children under the age of seven (7), Need to be accompanied by an adult.

11. Pets, with exception of service animals.

12. Skates, skateboards, in-line skates and similar products.

13. Other kinds of behavior deemed inappropriate by staff.




1.   Warning.  Patrons who are behaving inappropriately in the library will be given one warning and asked to behave in an appropriate manner.

2.   Expulsion.  Patrons who refuse to behave more appropriately after one warning will be asked to leave the library.

3.   Calling 911.  In cases where patrons pose a clear danger to themselves or others, or where there is deliberate violation of the law, or refusal to leave the library after being asked to leave by staff, staff is authorized to call 911 for assistance.


4.   If a staff person is alone in the library and a dangerous situation is developing giving rise to a question of personal safety the staff person is advised to immediately vacate the building if possible.     


Adopted and Revised

November 29   2007

April 24th         2014

January 28th, 2016

December 20th, 2018




In accordance with Chapter 692A of Subtitle 16 of the Code of Iowa, the Board of Trustees for the Gilmore City Public Library prohibits the presence of sex offenders convicted of sex offenses against minors upon or within 300 feet of Library property without written permission of the Library Director.


Persons barred from Library property under the law remain entitled to Library service.  It is the responsibility of the Library user to arrange for a courier to select, check out and return materials to the Library through possession of the Library user’s card.


Persons barred from the Library property under the law will not be served by the Library’s homebound delivery service.


The issuance of a Library card to individuals who have been convicted of a sex offense involving a minor does not grant those individuals permission to enter the Library or to be present on Library property.  Individuals convicted of a sex offense against a minor must follow proper Library procedures and policies to request and obtain written permission to be on Library property, regardless of whether they possess a valid Library card.


Definition of “loiter”: means remaining in a place or circulating around a place under circumstances that would warrant a reasonable person to believe that the purpose or effect of the behavior is to enable a sex offender to become familiar with a location where a potential victim may be found, or to satisfy an unlawful sexual desire or to locate, lure or harass a potential victim.


Suspicious person or persons who appear to be “loitering” will be reported to the police to be checked out and investigated.


Background checks will be performed using the National Sex Offender Registry on all employees, potential employees, and volunteers, including Library Board members or potential Library Board members, who are or will be working on Library property.


Violations of this policy will be immediately reported to Law Enforcement.

Adopted and Revised


February 23rd, 2012

December 1st    2016

December 20th, 2018




The Gilmore City Public Library welcomes everyone ages 10 and up to use the Gaming System.  Children under the age of 10 must play with a parent or guardian.  Special times, events and tournaments may include adult and youth participation.


Our gaming area is offered to make the library enticing to youth and teens, as well as adults to encourage them to visit the Library, to develop a love of books and reading and to expose them to the service available to the Library.


Anyone using the Wii gaming system must read and agree to the Gaming Policy before using it.  The rules in the policy are set up to ensure proper use of the equipment and allow fair access to our patrons.  Failure to follow these rules of conduct will result in loss of Library Gaming System privileges.  Any damages that occur to the Library’s space and equipment and to the Wii and Wii accessories will be the responsibility of the patron or patrons using the area at the time the damage occurs.  A manual invoice may be generated and attached to the patron’s Library card number to pay for damages.  A letter explaining the damage charges may be sent to the patron’s home address.  This will be handled on a case by case basis.




1.    The patron must have a Library card in good standing with The Gilmore City Public Library.

2.   Game playing will be limited to 30 minutes (1/2 hour) per day/evening.  If no one is waiting to use the game, play may continue for up to 30 more minutes, but players must be willing to end play if someone else signs up to use the Wii.  Payers must end play immediately at the request of the Library staff.

3.   A limit of one hour of play per day will be enforced, even if the Wii is not signed out to another player.

4.   Patrons must sign up to use the Wii at the front desk.  Any backpacks must be left at the front desk.  At the time of sign up, the patron will be given the controllers or other accessories that are needed to play.  After play period is up, the patron must check the items back in to a staff member and sign out.

5.   Gamers using the Wii must wear the wrist leash.  Gamers who fail to use the leash will lose their privileges for that day.

6.   Patrons using the Wii area are asked to respect others using the Library and keep the volume and noise level low.

7.   Only 2 patrons will be allowed to play at one time.  No more than two additional patrons may be in the Gaming area to watch unless there is a special event or tournament.

8.   Gamers may only use the Wii equipment and games available at the Library.  No games, memory cards or extra accessories from home may be used at the Library.  The Library will not allow the Wii games to be checked out of the Gaming area.

9.   Inventory of gaming accessories will be taken daily by the Library staff.

10.Gamers are asked to treat the equipment gently.  Those patrons that do not do so or are too loud and disruptive will be asked by the staff to stop for the day. Gamers who repeatedly abuse the equipment will have his/her gaming privileges revoked indefinitely.

11.Gamers must quit play and check equipment back into staff 15 minutes before closing.  The staff will give players a reminder of the closing time 15 minutes prior to quitting time.

12.The Wii Gaming System is limited to use during specified gaming hours only


This policy will be posted in the Gaming area and available in our policy and procedure manual for public access.


A copy of the signed Gaming Policy will be kept on file at the Library.  Parents wishing to have a copy of these rules may obtain one from the front desk.


Thank You


The Gilmore City Public Library staff and Board of Trustees



I_____________________________________(first and last name) agree to the above policy and will abide by the Wii Gaming Rules as stated above.




Patron Signature_________________________



(if under age 10)


 Adopted and Revised

 February 23rd, 2012

December 1st, 2016

December 20th, 2018





Any complaint regarding personnel or a situation objected to by a patron will be addressed by:  the complainant may fill out a form available in the library which will be reviewed by the director and the Board to determine what action, if any, should be taken.


Complaints about the inclusion of an item in the library's collection shall be directed to the director.  A printed reconsideration form will be available in the library.  When it is filled out and signed, it will be reviewed by the director as well as the Board to determine what action, if any, should be taken.  No such consideration shall be given to any other form of complaint about materials in the collection.


The complainant will receive a written response within two weeks of the next Board meeting.




1.   Due to limited number of staff, in-house genealogy search will not be conducted by library personnel.

2.   Staff will make available the name, address, and phone number of a local researcher, if one is available, who may sometimes do searches for a fee. Contacting the researcher is the responsibility of the individual.

3.   The public is welcome to conduct research in person at the Gilmore City Public Library.  There is no charge to use the resources of the library other than photocopies which will cost ten (10) cents per copy.




The library will provide a credit card for the use of the library director.  The card may be used to purchase any necessary materials to be used for the library only.

The card may also be used for expenses incurred by the director when attending meetings or workshops such as:  food, motel costs, and mileage.  Tuition and material costs for workshops may also be paid with the card if necessary.


The library will also maintain a second card which could be used by the Board

President if the Director is unable to fill her/his position for an extended period due to illness.




Archival materials shall not be discarded without the consent of the Board.  If under consideration for discard, materials shall be presented and reasons for discarding must be brought before the Board to be considered by them before a decision is made.  Any materials of a personal nature shall be discarded at the discretion of the director only.  Archival materials shall be available for public perusal in-house but

may not be checked out.



Internet access for the public is available at this Library.  It will provide another tool or information resource to be used to fulfill the Library’s mission to promote intellectual freedom, lifelong learning, and the enhancement of cultural and leisure activities.




Parents are responsible for the internet information selected by their children.  They may restrict their children and only their children from access to internet resources.  Children who use the internet unsupervised may be exposed to inappropriate or disturbing information and images.  Parents and their children are encouraged to discuss the use of the internet in relation to their family’s values and boundaries


Regarding personal safety when using the internet, it is dangerous to reveal information such as your home address or telephone number.  It is also dangerous to use or reveal any information which may allow a person to locate you.


Personally identifiable information concerning children and young adults may not be disclosed or used in any way on the internet without the permission of a parent or guardian or if the student is 18 or over, the permission of the user himself/herself.




Uses that violate the law or encourage others to violate the law:

Transmitting offensive or harassing messages.

Offering for sale or use any substance, the possession or use of which is prohibited.     

Viewing, transmitting, or downloading pornographic materials of materials that encourage others to violate the law.

Intruding into the networks or computers of others and downloading or transmitting confidential trade secret information or copyright materials.


Uses that cause harm to others or damage to their property.  For example:

Uploading a worm, virus, “Trojan Horse” “Time Bomb” or other harmful form of programming or vandalism.

Participating in “hijacking” activities or any form of unauthorized access to other computer network or information on systems.

The Library does not provide e-mail accounts through the Library’s internet. Service provider and forbids any attempt to use such.





The Library will utilize filtering software or other technologies to prevent user from accessing text or visual depictions that are:


Child Pornography

Harmful to minors

The term “harmful to minors” is defined by the Communications Act of 1934 (47 USC Section 254 h 7).



Internet use is a privilege, not a right.  First –time violators of this Internet Use Policy & Procedures will receive a two-week suspension from internet use.  Second-time violators will receive a one-month suspension.  Upon a third policy violation, the user’s internet privileges will be permanently withdrawn.


Every user over the age of 18 must sign a patron’s agreement.  Every user under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian sign a patron’s agreement for the user.


Every user must sign a sign-in sheet which gives the date and time of usage.


As with other Library tools, staff may help patrons access the internet and offer suggestions on starting search.  The Library staff cannot provide in-depth training concerning internet computer jargon or personal computer use.


Due to wireless service, the Library cannot always guarantee a secure connection and in all places in the Library.  The Library takes no responsibility for lost data, etc. due to a lost connection.


Patrons are responsible for maintaining up-to-date antivirus software, firewalls on laptop equipment brought into the Library for their own use.


Patrons must take responsibility for their own equipment.


Web-based e-mail only, no POP3 or SMIP connection.


Staff will provide no technical support or deal with patrons’ personal computer equipment




1.   Internet users will receive internet access and policy information

2.   All persons under 18 years of age must have a parent’s or guardian’s agreement signed.

3.   All persons over 18 years of age must sign a Patron’s Agreement.

4.   Patrons may reserve the computer for 30-minute segments.  If no one is scheduled to use the computer, the patron may continue use of the computer.  Late comers forfeit the unused portion of their reserved time.

5.   Within the copyright laws, patrons may print information.  There will be a charge of ten cents per page printed out.

6.   No patron software or floppy disk may be used on the Library computers. Disks may be purchased from the Library and may be used in the computers.  The Library will store these disks for further use by the patron. The Library will provide thumb drives for patrons to save games on.  These will be the property of the Library and will stay in the Library.

7.   Misuse of the computer or internet access policy will result in loss of computer privileges as spelled out in the policy.

8.   No food or drinks allowed at the computers.

9.   The following permission slips need to be signed by parents of children using the computers unattended.


Thank You.


The Gilmore City Library Staff and Board of Trustees


I__________________________________(first and last name) agree to the above policy and will abide by the Internet rules as stated above.




Patron Signature______________________


Parent Signature______________________

(if under 10)


Adopted and Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library board of trustees


November 29th, 2007

August 29, 2013

December 1st     2016

August 29th        2018



Computer Use and Internet Access Policy

Policy regarding the use of public computers and the Internet at the Gilmore City Public Library

The Gilmore City Public Library is pleased to provide access to electronic resources via the Internet using our public access computers.  Computers are available for public use during regular business hours, except during times of routine or emergency maintenance.  The purpose of providing public Internet access is to expose the public to the world of information available on the Internet and to provide equal access to that information for all individuals in the community.

Since the Internet is a global electronic network, the Gilmore City Public Library has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content.  The Internet and its available resources may contain material of a controversial nature.  The library will not censor access to material nor protect users from offensive information and is not responsible for the availability or accuracy of information accessed from remote network sites. 

The following rules govern the use of the library computers:

·        To access a computer, patrons may log in to internet using the available password. For those visiting who need access to a computer a guest pass is available by inquiring at the circulation desk.

·        There is a 60-minute time limit for the Public Internet computers when others are waiting.  When no one is waiting, additional time at the Public Internet workstations is limited to a total of 2 hours per day.  However, if use of a computer results in disruption of library services or if behavior becomes inappropriate for a library setting, the Library reserves the right to end the session at any time.

·        Color is available for 25 cents per page & black and white printing is available for 10 cents per page.

·        A flash drive may be used to save information from a computer.  The library is not responsible for any damage to flash drives when used in library computers.  Although the library uses anti-virus software on its computers, absolute protection is not guaranteed.   Software downloaded from the Internet may contain viruses.  The library encourages the Internet user to install and use anti-virus software on his/her own computer and equipment.

·        Individual software may not be installed or used to alter or attach equipment to the library's hardware or to attempt to bypass security features.

·        Each user is responsible for complying with copyright law and adhering to software licensing agreements, as well as all local, state, and federal laws including, but not limited to, those concerning fraud, privacy, or obscenity.

·        Library staff may be able to help with basic computer use and startup procedures but may not be able to provide information on the use of each software program.  If one has never used a computer or if one has specific questions about a software program, reference books and use guides are available.

·        Misuse of the computer may result in suspension or loss of computer privileges.

The following rules govern access to the Internet from the library:

·        Internet communications shall be considered private, and confidentiality will be encouraged within the limits of public environment, the technology of the equipment, and the requirements of law.

·        The Internet user may encounter closed or restricted databases and resources for which the library accepts no responsibility:

·        The host computer has been "overloaded" by Internet visitors and has closed or limited access.

·        The host computer is no longer maintained or has changed its address or Universal Resource Locator (URL).

·        The database or computer is only accessible to users affiliated with a specific licensed organization.

·        Gilmore City Public Library's Internet connection may be temporarily closed for maintenance or due to technical difficulties.

·        The library does not offer electronic mail (e-mail) accounts or access to chat rooms, news, or discussion groups. However, there are many Internet providers who offer free e-mail access.

·        As is the case with other materials in the library's collection, any restriction of a child's access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. The Gilmore City Public Library cannot act as a censor or substitute parent.  It is the responsibility of the parents to provide the oversight to ensure their children's use of the Internet in a safe and appropriate manner, including the proper use of expensive computer equipment.

·        Regarding personal safety when using the internet, it is dangerous to reveal information such as your home address or telephone number.

·        Violations of these rules may lead to the suspension or revocation of Internet access through the library.


The Gilmore City Library Staff and Board of Trustees

I__________________________________(first and last name) agree to the above policy and will abide by the Internet rules as stated above.


Patron Signature______________________

Parent Signature______________________

(if under 18)

Adopted   and   Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library board of trustees

November 29th, 2007

August 29th, 2013

December 1st, 2016

August 29th, 2018

March 28th, 2019





The Gilmore City Public Library supports the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights and its Freedom to Read statement, which are attached to these policies.


While collections are provided for children and young adults, use of adult materials is not restricted according to a patron’s age by Library staff.  Limitations in juvenile reading and in the viewing of videos are considered a parental responsibility.  Therefore any/all restrictions must come from a parent or guardian for all patrons under the age of 18.


        The freedom to read is essential to our democracy. It is continuously under attack. Private groups and public authorities in various parts of the country are working to remove or limit access to reading materials, to censor content in schools, to label "controversial" views, to distribute lists of "objectionable" books or authors, and to purge libraries. These actions apparently rise from a view that our national tradition of free expression is no longer valid; that censorship and suppression are needed to avoid the subversion of politics and corruption of morals. We, as citizens devoted to reading and as librarians and publishers responsible for disseminating ideas, wish to assert the public interest in the preservation of the freedom to read. 

     Most attempts at suppression rest on a denial of the fundamental premise of democracy; that the ordinary citizen, by exercising critical judgement, will accept the good and reject the bad. We trust Americans to recognize propaganda and misinformation, and to make their own decisions about what they read and believe.  We do not believe they are prepared to sacrifice their heritage of a free press to be "protected" against what others think may be bad for them. We believe they still favor free enterprise in ideas and expression. 

    These efforts at suppression are related to a larger pattern of pressures being brought against education, the press, art and images, films, broadcast media, and the Internet. The problem is not only one of actual censorship. The shadow of fear cast by these pressures leads, we suspect, to an even larger voluntary curtailment of expression by those who seek to avoid controversy or unwelcome scrutiny by government officials.      

     Such pressure toward conformity is perhaps natural to a time of accelerated change. And yet suppression is never more dangerous than in such a time of social tension. Freedom has given the United States the elasticity to endure strain. Freedom keeps open the path of novel and creative solutions and enables change to come by choice. Every silencing of a heresy, every enforcement of an orthodoxy, diminishes the toughness and resilience of our society and leaves it the less able to deal with controversy and difference. 

     It is the responsibility of publishers and librarians, as guardians of the people’s freedom to read, to contest encroachments upon that freedom by individuals or groups seeking to impose their own standards or tastes upon the community at large.


Adopted and Revised by the Gilmore City Public Library board of trustees


December 29th        2018

February 18th         2019







           1.  Cover Page

           2.  Mission Statement

           3.  Library Objectives

           4.  Hours of Operation-Holiday Closing

           5.  Services

           6.  Circulation-Displays

           7.  Enrich Iowa-Computers-Fines and Fees-In House Equipment Usage

           8.  Personnel

           9.  Director

10.  Director (continued)

11.  Collection Development

12.  Trustees-Gifts, Memorials, Donations

13.  Behavior

14.  Sex Offenders

15.  Gaming

16.  Gaming (continued)

17.  Complaints-Genealogy Search-Credit Card

18.  Discarding Materials

19.  Internet

20.  Internet (continued)

21.  Internet (continued)

22.  Intellectual Freedom

23.  Covid 19

24.  Table of Content